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Welcome to the site of psychological and religious-art on-line journal “The Awakening”.
Let me tell you dear visitors a brief background of the journal.
Sometime ago, in ancient times (the times when there was no unlimited internet and mobile phones), but our ancestors lived in a comfortable 5-star caves, getting food, not on supermarket shelves but in the forest, there lived a currently in the same tribe, in a cave, a single person. He was a great dreamer, and instead thinking about how to catch a bear, he’s always flying somewhere in the clouds. After that the other members of the tribe considered him eccentric, and generally a wimp and a loser, because in the hunt for bears, he was not very successful.
And one day, while the other distinguished members of his tribe sat around the fire in his cave, eating meat a bear just killed, our hero is in a fit of inspiration took a big sharp stone, went to the wall of the cave and began to paint … … … … … …

Rock paintings

And there writing appeared, which has come a long and interesting history of the labyrinth path of rock art caves early Stone Age to the billion sites, forums, blogs today on the Internet. At different times, different information was valuable. At the dawn of history, it was priceless. People who could read and write, could be counted on the fingers, and they were the true repositories of wisdom and knowledge to his contemporaries. Over time, little information was available, there were books, and there were people who could read them. It is true that someone, especially a well-read, could be fry on fire that was not too smart. The process of knowledge has often been associated with risk. It is now, we can, without taking his seat on the problem with the computer to get any information, that someone, a couple of centuries ago, risked his life. The books that were written by the authors, throughout life, and who had to collect the information bit by bit, at the cost of incredible efforts and hard work, today you can download for 5 minutes, with just three mouse clicks.

Yes, now we live in the information age and this is a great gift, but if we are able to appreciate it? It’s a rhetorical question.

On the other hand, this was a gift and a great curse, because now the information came too much, we just drowned in a vast ocean of information, most of which is of no avail, and even in general is garbage. But somewhere in the depths of the ocean global information are authentic precious pearls, hidden wisdom (and they lie there for ages). And we, like the divers swim in the ocean of information, in search of precious gems. A journal is our submarine. I suggest you climb on board with us and forth – in search of treasure.

Yellow Submarine

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