What is the mode

What is the mode


Who does not know about the modes? Probably everyone in the school who is not quite asleep in history class, know that the Huns are those strong guys on horses, and with bows, which at the time was given to light and the Goths and Romans. Actually mass immigration of Huns ever boundless steppes of Asia in a relatively civilized Europe has caused the collapse of the then superpowers – the Roman Empire. But apart from the warlike Huns on horseback there are still very different modes of. These other modes are only three things and all three live in the middle of each of us.

Gouna – the ancient Indian term from Sanskrit literally means “rope”, and in the broadest sense means “the property of the soul” (our souls). In fact, the Indian doctrine of the modes is one of the first psychological theories that attempt to give an answer to one of the fundamental questions of mankind: “Why do we have what we have?”

The author of the teachings about the modes was the greatest Indian saint, the incarnation (avatar) of God on earth – Lord Krishna, who is the sacred text of Hinduism Bhagavad Gita says to his disciple Arjuna about the three main characteristics of our soul (troh gunas). These three modes of cause all our difficult (or easy) existence: destiny, family, education, tastes and preferences, the monthly salary, temperament, friends, etc.


So, get acquainted: Tamas guna (ignorance), rajas guna (passion) and Satva guna (goodness). Every person has all three modes, which are constantly competing with each other and then the other one guna takes us there. From which of the gun dominates our lives depend (on the mood on the day before the fate for years).

Guna Tamas (ignorance) is considered the worst of the mode, and really, what could be worse than ignorance, as the proverb says: “Better to lose with a wise than a fool to find.” Ignorance breeds laziness (especially mental laziness when not interested in anything and everything is boring), indifference, apathy, drowsiness. It all eventually leads to depression. Under the ravages of Tamas Gunas people become lazy, indifferent, boring, always tired, no longer interested in anything, no longer seek a new, often drink too much and become drunks, or worse. A very good example of the mode of tamas is our Ukrainian “none of my business – I know nothing.”

Моя хата с краю - ничего не знаю

Attention, Achtung, attention: according to the Indian theory of reincarnation, people who die in the mode of laziness and indifference in the next life be born as a pig (oink oink-).

Моя хата с краю - ничего не знаю

The opposite is the rajas guna tamas – Passion (Passion generates activity, activities). Tamas Rajas is much better, and worse Satva. Under the influence of the Huns radazhsa people become active (even hyperactive), excited, eager, talkative, curious, sexy, assertive, restless, quick-tempered, and many more what.

Man passionate pursuit of their goals can move mountains. Home only goal was to correct. And often it turns out that there is. That’s what most people tends to under the influence of rajas? All material things: money, fame, power, career, prestige, bodily pleasures (sex, sex, tasty food, good for a walk and again sex). But the pleasure and happiness are two different things, as a consequence of passionate people often get frustrated, which in the worst case could come down to their mode of tamas.

But when the target person in the rajas – the wisdom of self-knowledge, self-improvement while rajas is very useful, because all his energy stormy passion that person will direct the search for eternal values and sooner or later go into sattva rajas.

Guna Satva (goodness) is the highest of the modes. Under the influence of the Satva person becomes wise, calm, balanced, confident, and what is important – happy under any circumstances. An example of the Huns Satva be a good Buddhist parable about a snail:

Buddhist teacher was asked whether he had ever frustrated because his efforts to bring less results than he wanted. In response, the instructor told the story of a snail, which began to climb the cherry trees are cold, windy day in early spring.
Sparrows on a nearby tree heartily laughed and laughed, looking at her. Then one of the sparrows flew to the cochlea, and asked:
– Hey, you, can not you see – this tree is not cherry?
Without interrupting his way, the snail said quietly:
– Will, when I climbed up there.


People in Satwa not so much, unfortunately, most of us are in the rajas or tamas but, nevertheless, sattva – it’s cool. Sometimes it happens that we can and with the mode of Satva succumb to passion, will slide into Rajas and Tamas are there to close. But we can, and vice versa – from the depths of Tamas rise to sattva, everything is in our hands. Finally I wish all the more to be in Satwa, or at least in good rajas and tamas never.

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